Thursday, January 21, 2010


Review vocabulary list for Final Exam
POWERPOINT: Writing Rhetorical Analysis Essays on The Great Gatsby
Handout: sample essay on Chapter 3
Handout: template for essay on Chapter 5

HW: For your assigned chapter, write down 5 events and list the names of all characters who appear in the chapter.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Analyze and annotate chapter 3 excerpt together - the "Party Scene"
1) Circle, underline literary devices and label them (ex. simile, metaphor, colors, repetition, catalogue, etc.)
2) Identify and write down themes or arguments Fitzgerald makes about society or human nature

Then, write a thesis statement in the following format:
In chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses __________ (device #1) and __________ (device #2) in order to reveal that ________________________________________ (theme or argument he makes).

Repeat if desired with chapter 5 excerpt for up to 10 points extra credit.

HW: Finish annotating articles for tomorrow's seminar by listing your questions, comments, and reactions--mandatory articles are "MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16' Gives Sour Pleasure" and "Conspicuous Consumption Goes Out of Style." You may also annotate "Money-Hungry Schools Get Down to Business" for up to 10 points extra credit. Annotate the excerpt from chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby for up to 10 points extra credit - identify literary devices and themes/arguments and write a sample thesis statement like the one we wrote in class for Chapter 3. SEMINARS TOMORROW!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Grammar Practice: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

In-class work time: annotate "Conspicuous Consumption Goes Out of Style" with your comments, thoughts, reactions, opinions, and ideas. Finish annotating "MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16' Gives Sour Pleasure" if you didn't finish it yesterday. You may also annotate "Money-Hungry Schools Get Down to Business" for up to 10 points extra credit.

HW: Finish annotating articles for tomorrow's seminar by listing your questions, comments, and reactions--mandatory articles are "MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16' Gives Sour Pleasure" and "Conspicuous Consumption Goes Out of Style." You may also annotate "Money-Hungry Schools Get Down to Business" for up to 10 points extra credit. SEMINARS ON THURSDAY!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Vocabulary Warm-up: words from The Great Gatsby

Discuss episode we watched on Friday and model annotating "MTV's 'My Super Sweet 16 Gives Sour Pleasure" in preparation for Thursday's seminar. Generate questions for seminar discussion related to money & society's attitudes toward money. Share out in whip-around style so that everyone contributes a question.

Sample questions:
1) Why do some rich people feel the need to flaunt their wealth?
2) Why do many Americans feel proud when they "cheat the system" and get something for free, or for much less than it is worth? (For example, a teenager bragging that he sneaked into a movie and caught a "double feature" for the price of one ticket, or someone bragging that she got a pair of boots for 75% off because there was a tiny flaw in the stitching, or a couple arguing about the service at a restaurant in the hopes of receiving a free dessert...)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Grammar Practice: Pronoun Case #2

Watch the episode "Ariel" from MTV's My Super Sweet 16 and complete viewing guide, due at the end of the period.

HW: Read through chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Literature Circles Activity on Chapters 2 and 3 of The Great Gatsby- students are randomly sorted into groups/roles.

Role handouts due at end of period.
Group #1: pg. 28-30
Group #2: pg. 31-33 (end of paragraph)
Group #3: pg 33 (first paragraph) to top of 36
Group #4: top of 36 to top of 39
Group #5: top of 39 to end of 1st paragraph on 41
Group #6: 1st paragraph on pg. 41 to end of Chapter 2
Group #7: pg. 43 to top of 47
Group #8: pg. 47-53 (end of top paragraph)
Group #9: pg. 57 (2nd to last paragraph) to 60 (2nd to last paragraph)

Students work independently for 15 minutes to complete their roles, then groups meet to discuss and share for the rest of the period.

HW: Reread chapter 3 for homework. Reminder that winter break assignment is due next week. Comic strip assignment due tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Vocabulary Warm-up over The Great Gatsby vocabulary words
Clarify comic strip assignment - due Friday!
Reading questions to review Chapters 1 and 2: due in class tomorrow!

HW: Review chapters 1, 2, and 3 of The Great Gatsby. Reading questions for chapters 1 and 2 due tomorrow. Comic strip assignment (created in black ink; color optional) due Friday.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Grammar warm-up: Pronoun Case
Introduce comic strip assignment - due Friday!

HW: Reread and review Chapters 1 and 2 of The Great Gatsby for class tomorrow. Begin work on the Chapter 3 comic strip activity for Friday.

Monday, January 4, 2010



Complete first part of The Great Gatsby reading quiz in class using your books.

HW: Continue to read and review Chapters 1-5; winter break assignment will be collected next week!!!