Tuesday, October 23, 2012

AGENDA 10/23

Computer Lab T110 to experiment with Audacity

Download my sample audio project to import into and work with in Audacity 
Here's my sample audio project for use on Macs


Link to SoundBible - search for free, downloadable sound effects and music! Public domain - ok to repost on web
Link to Soungle - search for free, downloadable sound effects!
Link to Freeplay Music - search for free, downloadable background music by style or keyword. FOR CLASSROOM USE ONLY.
Link to JewelBeat - search for downloadable music - 99¢ a song gives you licensing permissions to use on web.

Study for Wednesday's quiz over Fallacies and Semicolon Use:

Fallacies Practice #1

Fallacies Practice #2
Understanding Fallacies PowerPoint
Understanding Fallacies PowerPoint Notes

Semicolons Practice #1

Semicolons Practice #2

Monday, October 22, 2012

AGENDA 10/22

Final call for signups for Election Authentic Audience presentations for PTSA Election Night 10/24 @ 6:30pm in the Cafeteria or to Senior classes at Samohi: - share template to help you plan presentations

Stamp election ads drafts

Work in pairs to paraphrase and provide real-life examples of Benjamin Franklin's "Maxims"
Study for Wednesday's quiz over Fallacies and Semicolon Use:

Fallacies Practice #1

Fallacies Practice #2
Understanding Fallacies PowerPoint
Understanding Fallacies PowerPoint Notes

Semicolons Practice #1

Semicolons Practice #2

Monday, October 15, 2012

AGENDA 10/15

Discuss and analyze rhetorical appeals and techniques (including sound effects) in the following political ads:
Listen to Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: "Future"
Transcript of "Future" ad
Discuss narrator - how does the narrator come across as likable, relatable, and credible? What helps the candidate come across as trustworthy, reliable, likable? (appeals to ethos)
What facts are included? (appeals to logos)
What emotions does the ad try to stir in the audience? (appeals to pathos)
How does the ad use repetition?
How does the ad use background sounds/music?
What evidence do we have that suggests this ad was created for young, undecided voters?

Listen to Dino Rossi: "Too Long"
Transcript of "Too Long" ad
Describe how this ad differs in tone and arrangement of ideas
Notice the more specific facts and critical tone
Is this ad targeted to the OPPOSITION or BASE voters? How do you know?

HW: Independent reading - 25 days left in the grading period. You should be halfway through your indie reading by now!  Bring books Wednesday for a little reading time and check-in.  Begin drafting your election ad.

Friday, October 12, 2012

AGENDA 10/12

Grammar Practice: Semicolons #3
Work on annotated bibliography for Election Project
Model formatting using a student bibliography draft - revised and with my reminders/comments
View rubric on Turnitin.com assignment page (icon is picture of "staircase"
Sample for Print source using Official Voter Information Guide

HW: Submit annotated bibliography for Election Project by Sunday before midnight; read indie book - you should have completed 200 pages by Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

AGENDA 10/10

T110 Computer Lab

Work on annotated bibliography for Election Project

HW: Complete annotated bibliography for Election Project by Sunday; read indie book - you should have completed about 150-200 pages by now!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


T110 Computer Lab

Work on annotated bibliography for Election Project

HW: Complete annotated bibliography for Election Project by Sunday; read indie book - you should have completed about 150-200 pages by now!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Select topics for Election Ads Project
Next step: if your group has chosen a proposition or measure, start reading about the issue so you can decide if your group will be promoting "YES" or "NO" on the proposition/measure. You might start by reading the Official Voter's Guide that was mailed to the registered voters in your home. By the end of the week, you'll need to know your position, and determine which of you will tackle each audience: Base, Opposition, and Undecided. Next week, we'll be researching in the computer lab and beginning work on our annotated bibliographies.

HW: Read 400 pages of independent reading book for this grading period--get started now!