Tuesday, November 23, 2010

AGENDA 11/23

Computer Lab - research various sources and take notes in a systematic way
Begin researching your topic:
The New York Times Topics page - look here for your topic--you'll find a wealth of resources!
Link to the Samohi Library page to access the SIRS and ProQuest databases - you'll need your login and password

SOAPSTONE method and SOAPSTONE sample
Historic Document worksheet method
Cornell Notes method
Research note cards method - powerpoint describing research note cards

Search for independent reading book:
Santa Monica Public Library
Los Angeles Public Library
Barnes & Noble

HW: Bring your independent reading book connected to your historical research paper topic OR a printout describing the independent reading book (with title, author, # of pages, and summary/review to class tomorrow. Complete research notes in some systematic method for two different sources and bring those to class tomorrow for a research notes check. Those students who do not bring their independent reading book, two completed research notes, and/or completed typed research proposals to class tomorrow will have their advisors and families notified that they are slipping behind in class and may fail. Please be ready! Email me at jpust@smmusd.org or come by at lunch or after school if you need help!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

AGENDA 11/16

Finish performing Act I scene ii of A Raisin in the Sun

Introduce historical document worksheet; we'll use this in the lab tomorrow!
Introduce two good websites to begin your research:

The New York Times Topics page
- look here for your topic--you'll find a wealth of resources!
Link to the Samohi Library page to access the SIRS and ProQuest databases - you'll need your login and password

HW: Find a full-length book on your topic to get approved by Tuesday, 11/23. Bring the book to class, or if ordering online, bring a printout of the book's description and review (like from Amazon). Pre-read Act II, scene i, of A Raisin in the Sun for Thursday.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

AGENDA 11/10

Computer Lab: Work on Research Proposals
Sample research proposal on Hurricane Katrina

If you have trouble this weekend, email me!

HW: Typed research proposal (300-500 words) due on Monday! Please read Act I, scene ii of A Raisin in the Sun for Monday.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Research paper - topic check-in (reserve topics now!) Research proposal due 11/10!

Casting for A Raisin in the Sun, Act I, scene i: Walter, Ruth, Travis, Beneatha, and Mama

Group 1: (5 members): Actors! Read and rehearse your lines for Act I, scene i. You can go just outside the classroom to do this. Pay attention to stage directions in italics--this explains how you say your lines, and if you're doing anything as you speak.

Group 2 (3-4 members): sketch the stage. Figure out from the stage directions where furniture, entrances/exits go. Sketch and label all furniture needed. Then decide how to rearrange the classroom's furniture to recreate the stage.

Group 3: (10 members) Prop hunt! Go through the stage directions for your assigned pages, and make a list of all items needed for the scene. For example, if the stage directions say [She pours a cup of coffee.] that means we need a coffee pot AND a cup. Search through the prop bags I provide and check off each item. Group items needed for this scene in the box. Make a list of all additional items needed so I can bring them tomorrow.

Group 4: (rest of class) Close analysis of opening scene. Read through the initial stage directions and answer the following questions: 1) Describe the tone Hansberry creates. 2) Why does Hansberry use personification to describe how the carpet "fought back" and the window's light "which fights" its way into the room? 3) What are we supposed to realize or notice about this family?

HW: HW: Commonplace Books #2 due Monday, 11/8. Research proposal due Wednesday, 11/10. We will be in the computer lab on Monday, 11/8 for you to work on your research proposal in class, but please begin thinking about it now. Bring A Raisin in the Sun every day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Perform preview skits
Students who were absent yesterday: after viewing the skits, write 4 sentences explaining what you think the play might be about, and turn that in to make up for not performing.
Share out predictions as a class

Introduce rhetorical historical research paper proposal directions and sample research proposal

HW: Commonplace Books #2 due Monday, 11/8. Research proposal due Wednesday, 11/10. We will be in the computer lab on Monday, 11/8 for you to work on your research proposal in class, but please begin thinking about it now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Skits to preview A Raisin in the Sun
Get into groups of 4. Then write a short skit for one of the two following situations. Each actor must have at least two lines, and skits must use appropriate language and tone.

Situation #1: A mailman arrives, bringing a life insurance check for $70,000 to a poor family who has recently suffered the loss of a loved one. Create a skit involving the mailman, a parent, and the parent's son and daughter.

Situation #2: A poor family who has just inherited money moves to a middle-class neighborhood. They meet the new neighbors, who do not accept them and don't think they belong. Create a skit involving a parent, his/her son or daughter, and the new neighbors (the neighbors may both be adults, or be an adult and a child).

Scripts due at end of period for approval and photocopying. Performances tomorrow.