Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AGENDA 11/24

Perform Reader's Theater Scenes from Act IV

Monday, November 23, 2009

AGENDA 11/23


Prepare for Act IV Reader's Theater scenes - perform tomorrow.

HW: Gather any necessary props, review lines for tomorrow's performances.

Friday, November 20, 2009

AGENDA 11/20

Seminar on The Crucible, Act III - Fishbowl style. Groups selected by Bag of Destiny. Group #1 tackles odd-numbered questions; Group #2 tackles even-numbered questions. At end of period, submit discussion half-sheet (notes and self-evaluation) stapled to seminar prep.

HW: Last chance for source packets on Monday! Read Act IV of The Crucible.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

AGENDA 11/19

Computer Lab - T110 - Work Day!

Work on typing up your introduction and two body paragraphs (due tomorrow for a progress check - 15 points total, 5 per paragraph!).
Click here for completed sample body paragraph graphic organizer and SAMPLE BODY PARAGRAPH
Finish source packet, if needed. Remember to include 3+ annotations on each source (not just highlighting! You must write comments, questions, connections, reactions, or thoughts!) except for the experience source, which requires a reflection.

HW: LAST CHANCE FOR SOURCE PACKETS: DUE MONDAY 11/23! DUE FRIDAY: Seminar Preparation (3 quotations from Act III of The Crucible, corresponding to 3 of the seminar questions) and typed introduction and two body paragraphs of your research paper.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AGENDA 11/18

Introduce new vocabulary from Acts III and IV of The Crucible
Seminar preparation for The Crucible, Act III: Complete for seminar on Friday!
Independent Work Time: Thesis statement, introductions, body paragraphs

TOMORROW: Computer lab to type up introductions and two body paragraphs (due at beginning of class on Friday). If time permits, you may finish your source packets.

HW: LAST CHANCE FOR SOURCE PACKETS: DUE MONDAY 11/23! DUE FRIDAY: Seminar Preparation (3 quotations from Act III of The Crucible, corresponding to 3 of the seminar questions) and typed introduction and two body paragraphs of your research paper.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

AGENDA 11/17

Vocabulary Quiz
Work on building body paragraphs
Handout: Essentials of Synthesis Body Paragraphs

HW: Finish compiling and annotating your source packets! Last chance 11/23.

Friday, November 13, 2009

AGENDA 11/13

Writing Complex Thesis Statements

HW: Finish compiling and annotating your source packets! Study for vocabulary quiz over words from The Crucible and from our What's Right and Wrong with America units. Quiz on Monday. Read Act III of The Crucible.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

AGENDA 11/12

Researched Argument Papers: Introductions


HW: Finish source packets. Study for vocabulary quiz and complete vocab practice sheet (Due Monday). Continue to read The Crucible.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

AGENDA 11/10

Work on Formulating a Thesis handout
Complete vocabulary practice in preparation for Monday's quiz